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Stones for July Full Moon

July's full moon is fast approaching on the 9th, and for those of us who tie crystals into our spiritual practice, it's time to start thinking about what stones to use in our upcoming full moon rituals. This full moon comes in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, which is associated with dark colors like brown and black, sometimes even dark blue. Additionally, Capricorn is one of the 3 earth signs associated with the color green. Stones in these shades are a good place to start when thinking of setting up a grid or alter for the coming full moon.

In my full moon ritual, I will be using shiva lingam, black tourmaline, and tiger's eye as the main stones which form the center of my alter. Tiger's eye is a good pick for this moon, as it not only ties into the colors of brown and black, but it promotes prosperity in our lives and in or work. With Capricorn tied to authority and the 10th house of career and destiny, this stone can help us to bring prosperity into our workplace and into our lives, work, and calling. Black Tourmaline grounds us and pulls us back into the earth. It has strong protective energy that makes it good for any ritual or just daily use. It has the special purpose here of pulling us into the element, earth, which is associated with Capricorn. Lastly, shiva lingam is a very powerful stone. There is a lot of quartz found in shiva lingam which will amplify the powers of other stones used, and shiva lingam also provides a balancing energy that may be much needed during this full moon.

Other good stones to use on this full moon include green tourmaline, malachite, garnet, black onyx, limonite, serpentine, black opal and Jade. As always, good stones for any full moon include selenite and white opal. Consider a gird of black and white opal or maybe include your selenite tower or wand as the center piece of your full moon alter.

Full Moon Blessings

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