July '17 New Moon
The new moon swiftly approaches, coming to us in the constellation of Leo on July 23rd. There will be a lot of strong Leo energy flowing in this New Moon, as the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, and Mars will all be in the constellation when the New Moon arrives.
Leo is about creativity, self confidence, and vitality. As the moon enters Leo, think about what things are holding you back creatively, what things are hindering your confidence, and what things are preventing you from succeeding in your personal endeavors. Think about what attributes you need to bring into you life as the moon waxes that would help you over come these challenges.
The Sun in Leo will fill us with confidence and self assurance. The moon in Leo will set our troubled emotions at ease as we feel confident that we can succeed in our personal endeavors. Mercury in Leo will bring us the gift of confidence in speech and written communication. It is Mars in Leo that we must be aware of. Mars in Leo can cause feelings of anger and stir feelings of egotism. Beware that you do not become self-centered and egotistical when Mars enters into Leo, especially since this moon will bring such a large and powerful amount of Leo energy.
Mars in Leo conjunct the sun also represents the rebirth of our more masculine traits and energies. We feel like warriors fighting for our passions, our vitality, our ability to assert ourselves, and our self-discipline. The moon in Leo partnered with this conjunct makes us passionate about protecting our family, friends, and emotional selves.
This new moon also brings us Mars square Uranus, causing us to feel rebellious and prone to break the restrictions which are set our for us by figures of authority. Be cautious that you do not become too rebellious, as this rebellious nature mixed with the anger and egotism of Mars in Leo could lead to rash choices that we may later regret. Instead, look for an area in your life where the rules are made by you, and you have the authority to change and rebel against these rules in a healthy way.