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Mars Enters Leo

Today mars enters into the consolation of Leo. With Leo season approaching on the 22nd, and several other planets residing the confident constellation of Leo, Leo energy is strong right now. If you have a sun, moon, or ascendent sign in Leo, you may be feeling this energy more strongly now. Even without a sign in Leo, we are all feeling the effects of this planetary transit in our lives. We are more confident, proud, and have a grand demeanor about us.

Mars in Leo is a passionate, self-assured combination. Leo rules the 5th house, our house of creativity, confidence, romance, and pleasure. Mars rules over our determination and our drive, making us more driven in our creative endeavors and more confident in ourselves as this powerful planet enters into the constellation of Leo.

Mars rules over our drive to complete our goals, and combined with the creativity and confidence of Leo, our goals now become more grand, and we are very set on obtaining them. The results from obtaining our goals can be spectacular during this time, and excitement runs high. We desire dramatic results in all things we pursue, and we chase after these results with passion, vigor, and forward thinking. We seek the fastest route to our success. Be careful, however, as the quickest route to success is not always the best, be mindful of details in a time when they seem less important than they really are.

We feel passionate about our lives now, and the desire for romantic connection runs high. You may feel more attracted to your partner, or find the confidence to flirt with that special someone you have had your eye on. Our lives feel exciting and full of possibility under this planetary position, and we are driven to maintain this excitement and to reach out and grab these possibilities with confidence and creativity.

Mars remains in Leo until September 5th.


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