Ritual July '17 New Moon
Tonight's new moon is one of great Leo energy. With Mercury, Mars, the sun, and moon all residing in Leo tonight, there is a great creative energy in the air, an energy of self-confidence and eagerness. The following ritual is the one I will be preforming for this new moon, and I hope that it inspires your intuition for whatever ritual you will be doing!
1. Select 7 stones that align with each of your chakras. If you need help selecting stones, visit the post "Introduction to Chakras" here on my blog.
2. Find a comfortable place to relax, sit or lay down in the dark of the new moon with your seven chakra stones. Cleanse yourself and your tools with the smoke of white sage or palo santo wood to remove any negative energies. If you have some selenite or a selenite want, use it to create a circle around you that will become your sacred space. You may want to light some incense and a candle to prepare your alter for ritual.
3. Beginning with your root and working your way up to the crown, hold the appropriate stone over each chakra. Ask that all blockages be removed from that chakra, and that it be pulled into alignment with all your bodies of energy. Takes some deep breaths and meditate before moving on to the next chakra. The new moon is a time for bringing in new energy, so focus on pulling in new fresh energy to boost your creativity and self confidence. Pay special attention to you sacral and solar plexus charkas, as this new moon's energy is especially powerful for them
4. After completing this, spend a short time in meditation thinking about what you would like to bring into your life to boost your confidence, loyalty, creativity, and happiness. If you have essential oils, anoint your head and hands to help bring aromatherapy into your meditation and pull your mind into your sacred space.
5. Make a list of the things you meditated on that you want to bring into your life. Choose stones for your sacral and solar plexus charkas and place them on top of the list, and anoint it with essential oil or sacred perfume. Leave the list on your alter under the dark of the full moon to be blessed by the new moon energy. Spend some time in the quiet of your sacred space. In the morning, burn the list.
Blessings of the New Moon