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Crystals for Halloween

Halloween is a very spiritual time of year for many who work with crystals and other healing energies. Halloween takes its roots in the traditional Celtic holiday of Samhain. Samhain is celebrated as the time when the veil between the spirit world and the physical world is thinest, and also as a time to honor the dead and give thanks for the harvest. Because of this, Halloween, or October 31st through November 1st, is a great time of year to have a special celebration in your spiritual practices.

If you are wanting to work with some crystals this Halloween and don't know where to start, a great place to begin is with crystals of protection. Crystals like black tourmaline, onyx, and black obsidian can help to ground you and protect you from negative energies during this energetically charged time of year. You may also want to work with some high energy crystals like quartz and selenite to help connect you and tune you in to the positive energies which will be at work around you. Crystals such as Labradorite and Kyanite can help us to create new beginnings and break old habits, and can help when setting intentions. Mookite is also a crystal of both protection and healing, which can help bring bodily balance.

This Halloween, I will be setting up a gird using clear quartz, black tourmaline, selenite, moonstone, and a snowflake obsidian skull. Black tourmaline and snowflake obsidian will provide grounding and protection, moonstone and selenite will help tune me into a higher consciousness and connect with the spiritual realm, and clear quartz will amplify the energies and bring high vibrations to the grid.

If you work at all with carved stones, this is a great time to bring out crystal skulls. The skull is a symbol that helps us to honor our ancestors who have gone before us, and also awakens our consciousness, helping to connect us to our spiritual guides.

Many blessings this Halloween!

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